" An Evil Boss",The one supreme being who has the same impact on our life that a Black cat crossing ones path or 13th Friday has .They have the power to ravage our worlds with a pinch of salt..We are in a game of treasure hunt,where the treasure is hidden inside the crocodiles mouth. In My Entire work experience i have had around 8 different bosses(fortunate me), most of them were either lunatics or looked like straight out of the era of the Apache's..We detor ourselves to be rowdy & aggressive, but that is when they take the nerves out of us.We are hardworking individual, that doesnt mean ul put a straw and suck our blood(in any case u are a Dracula).Their evilness comes in its full power when your appraisal arrives .Their comes such kokky reasons for not being aprraised, like once I was told that the table wasnt alligned properly during the training session(Sick*)or because u wore a red polish in your office, decent professional women dont do this .At the time of appraisals We are actually summoned for all the erratic,Crafty reaons that sounds like a staright smack on your face.You become a puppy eyed poverty stricken fellow, looking for all the world's mercy begging for all your fictitious evil deeds.
My First boss was a pout oval faced & dome shaped women with long littered hair & a nonsensical dressing sense .The most bizarre part about her was a flashbulb memory that was a pain for everyone.She had a wreckless attitude which was a little too much on mondays (what we assumed was because of her wrestled sundays with her husband) & was a psycho too( psychos fill notebooks with newspaper headlines).The trip with her was a short one(i was truly blessed!!) , considering the unbalanced lady she was.The next was Shukla ji (a nasty kinky fellow ) who had all sort of outrageous cheesy lines in store from "manorama magazine" & who utilized it every now & then .What irritated most about him was, after 15 years of working he had no inkling of how to create a zipped folder.A person with an unchangeable mindset considered working more on papers than latest technology("Hum longon ko ye hi-Tech cheezein samjh nehi aati" Grrrrrrr).The third was a women with authentic haryanvi accent & taste.With a voice that simulated a bunch of wrestlers & a manlike body fitted in Salwar Kameez, working under her was like a monarchy where the slaves are at bay to follow orders .The definition of Modernized for her was never about looking or feeling good,but how bloomingly are you able to dictate your subordinates & seniors.The last but the most alluring one was a less brutal but a lustful maniac, who was always in search for his prospective bride(bonker**).Such was the anxiety that it always was a discomfit situation for all his spinster subordinates.A Lewd man, whose position gave him a lot of scope for new recruits & who went a little too far with all the hanky panky stuff ;).
My First boss was a pout oval faced & dome shaped women with long littered hair & a nonsensical dressing sense .The most bizarre part about her was a flashbulb memory that was a pain for everyone.She had a wreckless attitude which was a little too much on mondays (what we assumed was because of her wrestled sundays with her husband) & was a psycho too( psychos fill notebooks with newspaper headlines).The trip with her was a short one(i was truly blessed!!) , considering the unbalanced lady she was.The next was Shukla ji (a nasty kinky fellow ) who had all sort of outrageous cheesy lines in store from "manorama magazine" & who utilized it every now & then .What irritated most about him was, after 15 years of working he had no inkling of how to create a zipped folder.A person with an unchangeable mindset considered working more on papers than latest technology("Hum longon ko ye hi-Tech cheezein samjh nehi aati" Grrrrrrr).The third was a women with authentic haryanvi accent & taste.With a voice that simulated a bunch of wrestlers & a manlike body fitted in Salwar Kameez, working under her was like a monarchy where the slaves are at bay to follow orders .The definition of Modernized for her was never about looking or feeling good,but how bloomingly are you able to dictate your subordinates & seniors.The last but the most alluring one was a less brutal but a lustful maniac, who was always in search for his prospective bride(bonker**).Such was the anxiety that it always was a discomfit situation for all his spinster subordinates.A Lewd man, whose position gave him a lot of scope for new recruits & who went a little too far with all the hanky panky stuff ;).
Ya people they were my bosses & they havent arrived in a UFO or from kingseat Hospital but hail from this real world.I doubt if any of these bosses may make a human remain normal throughout their life. To save ourselves from such strenuous situation, we need to understand what type of crazy person are we dealing with & secondly establish boundaries to save our own right-mindedness.Moving the radar to the culprits i say that my Respected Bosses, You have full privileges to complain about all wrongs but please dont rule us.We are here working for the organisation as you and are getting paid as you.We would love if its kept that way and not make it a constant battle so that both of us remain sane & professional throughout the journey.....Thankyou!! :)